Angry White Male Studies

University of Kansas

The University of Kansas is offering a course entitled Angry White Male Studies.

From the course description: “Like it or not, ‘the angry white male’ is a prominent figure in our cultural imagination and, as such, a phenomenon worthy of study. Where does he come from? What's he angry about? Is his anger misplaced? Is he blaming the right people? How long has this been going on? Is he a global phenomenon? And how do we move forward? This course seeks to answer these and other questions by exploring the historical background to white male anger in modern America and how it is manifested in the wider world today.”

The course encourages authentic debate around the topic: “Above all, this course does not shrink from ambiguity and paradox. It resists the polarizing tendencies of so much that passes for ‘debate’ these days and offers no easy answers. Can’t deal with that? Then this course isn’t for you.”

Course Listing


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