Future of Affirmative Action in Doubt

The Crimson | Rahem D. Hamid, Vivi E. LU, Nia L. Orakwue

The Crimson covers legal experts' opinions on the case. If SFFA prevails, Lawrence Tribe (HLS '62; former HLS professor) predicts that “universities as intelligent as Harvard will find ways of dealing with the decision [against them] without radically altering their composition, but they will have to be more subtle than they have been thus far.”

In a separate piece in The Hill, Alan Dershowitz (HLS professor emeritus) has a biting response to Tribe's words: "Imagine if a law professor had suggested that southern schools find 'subtle' ways of 'dealing with' court-ordered desegregation!"

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Richard Epstein on the Admissions Case


An Affirmative Action End Game?